Thursday 8 December 2016


Thanks for hopping onto my very first blog.

At the moment I have immense drive and inspiration that I've never felt before. Most of this I put down to my little boy who's due in 2 weeks. It's literally like he's saying to me - "Come on, complete and achieve all those dreams you wanted to do in your 20's NOW and be where you've always wanted to be in life!" Soooooo - I'm listening to my inner voices and taking heed. I have been fortunate enough to have lived a lifestyle where I've had financial and work freedom and lived from a suitcase. Since settling down in an area where that lifestyle is more difficult, I've really had to look outside of the box to how I can achieve this freedom once again. I have quite an intense creative side that needs to be expressed. I have an unimaginable amount of brain energy that hasn't been used, or certainly destroyed by the feet of Jaegermiester and white wine during my 20's, that now needs to be firmly and severely exercised and expanded upon.

So here it begins!

I welcome you to join me on my journey. It's a pleasure and an honour to meet you.

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